How to Make Your Dog's Ears Upright

Dogs with floppy years look damn cute, but not all the breeds are supposed to have floppy ears. Dog breeds with floppy years are Bassett hound, Beagle, Cocker, Bloodhound, Dachshund, Irish Setter, and there are still more.

Dogs breed with erect ears include French Bulldog, Corgi, Basenji, German Shepherd, Pomeranian and more. you can know if your dog should have erect ears or floppy ears on this link.

If your dog is supposed to have upright or erect ears but has floppy ears instead, then the culprit could be weak muscles. If the muscles that support the ear are weak, then the ear of your dog will be floppy. It might look cute to you, but it's best to let your dog be the best of itself.

Weak muscles can be strengthened by massaging them. The muscles that you need to massage are located behind the dog's ear. There's no need to grab your dog and focusedly massage it, you can do it casually while petting or cuddling with your dog. Your dog will also enjoy it.

I also found a nice video that explains how exactly you can massage your dog to strengthen the weak muscle. Here is the link to the video.

With the right diet and care, the muscles should strengthen within a few weeks.
